(518) 474-3227 |
(518) 474-5652 |
emscassessinfo@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5902 |
regentsoffice@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5889 |
(518) 486-1319 |
Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) |
OBEWL@nysed.gov |
Albany Office: (518) 474-8775 |
Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) |
OBEWL@nysed.gov |
New York City Office: (718) 722-2445 |
Registration - Collegiate Programs |
(518) 474-2593 |
Registration and Fees (Professional Licensees) |
opregfee@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3817 ext. 410 |
rateweb@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3227 |
Religious and Independent School Support |
ORISS@nysed.gov |
(518) 473-8202 |
SSEC@nysed.gov |
(518) 486-6090 |
fieldsupport@nysed.gov |
(718) 722-2636 |
Research & Evaluation (P-12) |
(518) 474-4269 |
Residency Requirements (Student) |
(518) 486-6090 |
StudentSupportServices@nysed.gov |
(518) 486-6090 |
rtbd@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3817 ext. 120 |
recmgmt@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-6926 |
(518) 473-0295 |
Rural Schools Services |
(518) 474-5923 |