lsurvbd@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3817 ext. 140 |
larchbd@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3817 ext. 110 |
OBEWL@nysed.gov |
518-474-8775 |
(518) 474-1460 |
Learn and Serve America (LSA) |
(518) 486-5202 |
emscurric@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5922 |
edtech@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5461 |
emscfp@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-3906 |
Legal Services (Professional Discipline) |
Albany: (518) 485-9350 |
Legal Services (Professional Discipline) |
NYC: (212) 951-6550 |
StudentSupportServices@nysed.gov |
(518) 486-6090 |
Liberty Partnerships Program |
kiap@nysed.gov |
(518) 486-5202 |
edtech@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5461 |
(518) 474-7196 |
nyslcirc@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-7895 |
(518) 474-5161 |
ill@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5383 |
Library Services: Legislative Office Building Access Point |
(518) 432-2649 |
(518) 474-6282 |
Library Services: Microform Area |
(518) 474-3092 |
Library Services: Reference Desk |
(518) 474-5355 |
tbbl@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5935 |
Library Services: Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) Customer Inquiries |
tbbl@nysed.gov |
(800) 342-3688 |
emscurric@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-5922 |
archgrants@nysed.gov |
(518) 474-6926 |